"Developmental skin issues and Scars" eBook 4

 "Skin Issues and ScarsTherapists 


This is for technicians who need more knowledge on Skin Issues & Scars

Covering the following: Visual identification (with pictures), Symptoms where on the body - Possible alternative treatments - Plasma Fibroblast Yes - No - Plasma Fibroblast Step by Step procedures - Tips & Healing - Aftercare and Detailed Mapping (with pictures) "where applicable".


Understanding scars, Atrophic scar, Ice-pick scar, Boxcar scar, Rolling Scar, Rhinophyma, Hypertrophic scar, Keloid Scar, Stretch marks, Needling, Self-harm, Xanthelasma, Spider veins, & Varicose veins. Easy understanding, Full coverage of plasma fibroblast Developmental Skin Tissue Abnormalities. This Book is for already trained plasma fibroblast Technicians

You can go and watch the intro video here on Youtube

skin issues ebook

Buy it here: My Shop

Please note! All in this article is based on our own experience and does not represent the views of any other salon or establishment.

You are welcome to go and download my FREE e-book 1, also a valuable educational handout for your clients, Considering Plasma Fibroblast Skin tightening. "All You Need to Know" the 1st intro to my ebook 6.

“Plasma Fibroblast Technicians"

Do you need more in-depth plasma fibroblast training?

Plasma Fibroblast, Complete Series, Book 6 in the Worksheet series

Get your copy today to learn everything for a fraction of the cost for training currently charged by training institutions and covering far more in-depth training than they do and see how it can help you in your plasma fibroblast journey, get the complete study plasma fibroblast manual here:

ROSASS strongly advises each of you to research your local legislation and/or governing boards. It is your sole responsibility to check and clarify all rules and regulations pertaining to your country, state, city, and county if you are planning to perform Plasma Fibroblast treatments.

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Happy Plasma!
