Xanthelasma Removal



Xanthelasma Removal

Symptoms: bumpy yellow patches on the inside corners of the eyelids or around the eyes is a condition known as Xanthelasma palpebrarum (XP). It is a soft, yellowish, fatty deposit that forms under the skin.

High LDL ("bad") cholesterol or low HDL ("good") cholesterol is inherited high cholesterol, a Liver disease called primary biliary cirrhosis, which can raise cholesterol levels.

Xanthelasma may be an early warning sign that cholesterol has started to build up in the blood vessels. This build-up is called atherosclerosis, and it can lead to heart disease, heart attack, or stroke. Inform your client to go and check their cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and other heart risks as a precaution.


Possible treatments: Cryotherapy: This involves freezing the Xanthelasma with liquid nitrogen or another chemical Laser surgery Traditional surgery Radiofrequency advanced electrolysis (RAF) and Plasma fibroblast.

Chemical peels often improve the appearance of Xanthelasma, but they may not completely eliminate the lumps.

Medication the statin drug simvastatin (Zocor) — which treats high cholesterol — may also treat Xanthelasma. "Xanthelasma may reappear after any of these treatments.”


YES → A good reason for adopting this method is the lack of stitches and reduced bleeding. Ensure your client does not have a bleeding disorder prior to treatment to prevent excessive bleeding. If you do not have experience in plasma fibroblast do not attempt this procedure.


  • Prep client with Artelac eye drops or similar
  • Numb the area very carefully so as not to get the numbing cream into your client’s eyes
  • Cover with cling wrap
  • Wait for numbing to take effect
  • Remove cling wrap
  • Proceed with treatment
  • Ask the client throughout treatment if comfortable
  • Use a quick medium ablation spray technique
  • Remember to wipe off the carbon residues from time to time to see the level you have reached
  • Keep on doing this until you see you have removed all the yellow cholesterol substances, (NB! You can only use this method if you have done a patch test and pre-treated a small area on your client’s skin beforehand) in order to avoid pigmentation issues! If not rather only do the spray or dot method and leave it as is to be safe.
  •  For deep yellow cholesterol patches, you have to work very carefully and precise, rather inform the client to come back for resurfacing work if you feel uncomfortable going too deep, “Safety first”
  • Lightly dab area clean
  • When complete, apply a thin layer of Antibiotic Cream to the area
  • Give the client your aftercare instructions to follow at home
  • Advise Client to avoid the sun at all costs


See the mapping procedure pictures for Xanthelasma in the training manual 6: https://rosass.gumroad.com/l/Lbkmu


Inform the client the first 48 hours are vital to keep the area clean and the importance for them to follow the aftercare to avoid any possible infection, and that healing can take up to 3 weeks to fully heal depending on the size of the wound. Inform your client that Xanthelasma could come back, in 40% of the cases it comes back. Treatments can be repeated 8 – 12 weeks apart.

TIPS (FOR Technicians)

Be very careful NOT to get the numbing cream in your client’s eyes "Only use Emla or similar numbing cream near the very rim of eyes" NB! All other numbing creams could result in complications or worse a cornea burn that can bring blindness if it should get into the eyes. Always pre-treat eyes with Artelac eye drops or similar for precaution.


Inform the client the first 48 hours are vital to keep the area clean and the importance for them to follow the aftercare to avoid any possible infection, and that healing can take up to 3 weeks to fully heal depending on the size of the wound. Inform your client that Xanthelasma could come back, 40% of the cases it comes back. Treatments can be repeated 8 – 12 weeks apart.

Inform your client what to expect after treatment

The most common effect of Plasma Fibroblast treatment feels like a mild sunburn, with redness, swelling, itchiness, and stinging on areas worked on for a few days after treatment.

Important tips for taking care of the skin after treatment:

  • To apply a cold compress covered in a clean hand towel to reduce swelling, redness and help with discomfort, which are normal side effects. Regular application should resolve these issues while the new skin is forming
  • NB! Not to touch the area for the 1st 48 hours post treatment, to prevent infection!
  • Please ask your client not to scrub or pick at the site
  • To consider taking pain medication, avoid aspirin and non-steroidal inflammatory drugs such as naproxen, ibuprofen, and diclofenac. These can cause some bleeding
  • To protect the area from the sun and to use the right sunscreen. For sunscreen, they will need something to treat sensitive skin because, after the procedure, the area treated will need some extra care
  • Client to be sure to clean the skin two to three times a day, with water, saline, or a diluted solution cleaning methods you may recommend
  • To help prevent infection, the client is to apply petroleum jelly, (Vaseline or Aquaphor) or an antibiotic such as bacitracin, two to three times daily to prevent a scab from forming, more important is to keep a coating of ointment over the treatment site

What helps wounds heal faster?

  1. Aloe Vera
  2. To keep the site moist
  3. To reduce sun exposure
  4. To follow a balanced diet containing high levels of vitamin C, and fish oil
  5. Not to smoke

Possible side effects

  • If redness extends more than 1 cm from the incision site, or if there is draining pus, a fever or significant pain, please ask them to contact their doctor for appropriate medication. Some anti-inflammatory creams or antibiotics can help, and they are available with a doctor's prescription
  • Signs of infection could include redness and swelling
  • The skin might have problems healing after the procedure. The risk of healing problems is higher if the client is older, smokes, or has other skin conditions
  • Client to ensure when applying the petroleum jelly that the treated area is properly cleaned and disinfected before doing so, otherwise, bacteria and other pathogens can get trapped inside and delay the healing process
  • They may be left with a scar after the procedure. It could fade in time, but there will probably always be a small mark on the skin
The above excerpts have been extracted from “The Plasma Fibroblast Complete Study Series” for this article. To buy the comprehensive e-book on plasma fibroblast, visit this link: Plasma Fibroblast E-Book.

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Happy Plasma!
—Susan Mouton

You are welcome to contact me, I would appreciate your feedback,e-mail: rosassbeauty@outlook.com

Gumroad: Plasma Fibroblast E-Book 6 https://rosass.gumroad.com/l/Lbkmu
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