Plasma Fibroblast "Pros and Cons Full face lift"


There are some points for the Client and the Therapist to consider if treating a full face in one sitting

before and after full face

Plasma Fibroblast full facelift


  • Healing could take much longer between 7 - 10 days +
  • The results may be not be as good if you rather treat the face in sections, the outcome will be better for lifting
  • For some customers, the healing process is significantly more difficult to bear
  • Get all areas treated in one sitting
  • Downtime all in one


  • To numb the area in sections
  • To evaluate the skin and compile your mapping
  • Always treat the deeper lines and age spots 1st, before swelling sets in · Full-face takes a lot longer to treat (for you to work precisely and neatly) time-frame for treatment is between 3 1/2 to 4 hours
  • The client is to follow the aftercare religiously
  • Client to avoid the sun at all cost

Let me know if you have any questions.

full face combo

“Plasma Fibroblast Technicians"

You are welcome to go and download my FREE e-book 1, also a valuable educational handout for your clients, Considering Plasma Fibroblast Skin tightening. "All You Need to Know" the 1st intro to my ebook 6.

full face enhancement

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“Plasma Fibroblast Technicians" is also a valuable educational handout for your clients, Considering Plasma Fibroblast Skin Tightening. The 1st intro to my ebook 6.

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"All products and accessories for your aftercare can be found through the link on my ROSASS blog here:"Proposed aftercare list

"Download the Detailed AFTERCARE for your clients"

For Technicians get my Plasma Fibroblast Complete Series e-book 6: Step-by-Step In-depth Training manual, “All You Need to Know (not just mapping)” here  Or

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